Usage Policy

METU Survey Service is started in January 2019. It has the following basic functions:

  • The contents of the surveys can be arranged interactively.
  • The recipients of the surveys can be selected and both reminders and invitations can be sent to the recipients via e-mail.
  • The surveys can be composed in more than 80 languages.
  • 28 different types of questions can be used.
  • Reports concerning the responses made can be automatically generated, and the responses can be transferred to other platforms in various formats and be processed.
  • Target group participation can be controlled by quotas.
  • Survey content can be reused by copying questions, asnwers or complete survey.

Any active METU personnel who want to use this service can directly go to the address, and use their METU user code and password to login. No registration is needed. Users can use the service as long as their central user codes are active. Users whose user codes are cancelled will also lose accounts in the METU Survey Service.

Liability with respect to the content and method of the surveys in the service falls entirely on the user who composes and publishes them.

It is necessary for the users to get the approval of the Ethics Committee of METU Research Center for Applied Ethics before they start creating their surveys. The process of approval varies depending on the type of the survey.

For more information regarding the approval procedures and contact information, you can visit the website of the Research Center for Applied Ethics:

It is also required that the users of METU Survey Service abide by the METU Information Technology Resources Use Policy.

In case of violation of the regulations of METU Research Center for Applied Ethics and METU Information Technology Resources Use Policy, RCAE and Computer Center keep the right to intervene to the surveys and/or survey accounts.